5 Common Advantages of Removing Wisdom Teeth

wisdom teeth removal

Wisdom teeth removal is a quite common procedure. You might think that tolerating wisdom tooth pain is better than having them removed if you fear the dental procedure, however, it is beneficial to you to get your wisdom teeth removed, if your dentist suggests you do so.

Here are the top five advantages of removing wisdom teeth:

  1. They could cause damage to your jaw

The wisest bone in the body has a knack for making a grand arrival. Cysts can form around these new teeth and, while curable, they can lead to the hollowing out of the jaw if left untreated. If this is allowed to continue, it may result in nerve damage.

  1. Other Teeth Should Be Protected

Wisdom teeth can place a lot of pressure on the molars next to them, perhaps causing enamel erosion or root damage. A wisdom tooth’s roots are big and unpredictably shaped. These roots can penetrate facial nerves or develop into the roots of other teeth, particularly the inferior alveolar nerve, which provides sensation to the lower lip, chin, and cheek. A wisdom tooth infection can spread to neighboring teeth, causing cavities and even bone loss.

  1. There will be fewer oral injuries

Wisdom teeth frequently erupt at an angle due to the restricted space in the jaw. They can either point inside to the tongue or outwards to the cheek. Wisdom teeth can cause injuries within the mouth in either situation, such as scratching the inside of your tongue or accidentally biting the inside of your cheeks. To avoid those injuries, some people will try to change the form of their jaw when eating, which might cause discomfort. Wisdom teeth removal, in whole or in part, can reduce the risk of dental injuries and ulcers caused by wisdom teeth.

  1. Avoid Orofacial Pain

Wisdom teeth extraction has the added benefit of reducing discomfort in addition to preventing cavities and disease. The removal of those pesky third molars makes it possible to relieve pressure, reduce gum discomfort, and alleviate tooth sensitivity. Chronic headaches are caused by pressure from wisdom teeth. As a result, your teeth will be of higher quality, and you will have fewer restrictions on what you may eat and drink.

  1. Having wisdom teeth makes it more difficult to keep your teeth clean

Tooth decay can be avoided by brushing and flossing between teeth regularly. When a wisdom tooth erupts, it usually does so slowly and only partially, exposing only a portion of the tooth’s surface for cleaning. Because it is impossible to brush every tooth to prevent plaque and tartar from forming, the risk of tooth decay rises.

Because wisdom teeth are crammed into a jaw that is too tiny to accommodate them, all of the teeth are forced together unnaturally. Regular flossing between your other teeth, as well as between your last molar and those rising wisdom teeth, may become difficult or impossible as a result. Anything that makes flossing difficult raises the risk of dental decay. Book an appointment at the Pathways Dental Care today, call us on 905.304.4505 or visit https://pathwaysdental.com/ to know more.

Dental Veneers: How to Improve Your Smile

porcelain veneers ancaster

Having the smile that you love can make all the difference and give you the confidence you require. Various cosmetic treatments help people get the smile of their dreams, dental veneers are the most popular choice of treatment these days. A thin layer of material applied to the front of a tooth is called a veneer, they’re used to improve the appearance of your teeth & protect the tooth’s surface from plaque formation.

Veneers are usually made from composite and dental porcelain materials. A composite veneer is either indirectly produced by a dental technician in a lab and then cemented to the tooth with a block of resin cement or directly attached to the tooth. They are most commonly utilised to treat adolescent patients who will require a more permanent design once they have reached adulthood. A composite veneer has a lifespan of about four years. A porcelain veneer, on the other hand, may only be made indirectly. A restoration that covers all of the coronal tooth surfaces, according to the definition of a complete veneer crown.


Dental veneers help combat discoloured teeth, malformed teeth, enamel hypo calcification (enamel not fully mineralised), fluorosis, tetracycline staining, non-vital tooth discolouration, enamel hypoplasia (insufficient enamel),  mal-aligned teeth, enamel fractures, enamel loss by erosion, and changing the shape of the tooth can all benefit from dental veneers. They give you a natural look, and a gorgeous smile boosts your self-esteem and confidence. Porcelain veneers are stain-resistant, and the dental process is not painful or time-consuming.

Patients who have veneers will need to maintain their regular dental hygiene routine (brush and floss at least twice a day, and also rinse your mouth with an antiseptic mouthwash). Veneers do not need to be treated in any way. Your dentist may advise you to stay away from stain-causing foods and beverages (coffee, tea, red wine). Veneers can last anywhere from seven to fifteen years, but they can chip or break over time. Small chips can be fixed, but new veneers are usually required.

The smile of your dreams is now available at Pathways Dental Care, call us now on 905.304.4505 or visit https://pathwaysdental.com/.

What You Should Know Before Using Teeth Whitening Strips

5 tips for utilizing teeth whitening strips

These days, it seems like everybody is concerned about teeth whitening. You might wonder as “do teeth whitening strips work”? Yes, they do and the typical question you should be asking is which teeth whitening product type is ideal. Most people turn to strips since they appear harmless. They are appealing since they can easily be applied. Here are some top tips that you need to know before using teeth whitening strips.

teeth whitening ancaster

Consistency matters

You need to apply the strips daily and shouldn’t skip even a day. Continue to apply them across the time period mentioned in the instruction manual. In the majority of cases, the strips are supposed to be applied on a daily basis for 14 days.

Brush teeth before application

Utilize a wet toothbrush to brush the teeth prior to place the strips in place. You can use toothpaste before teeth whitening strip placement however it is not absolutely needed. You need to ensure that you do not use fluoride toothpaste since it might cause the whitening strip to prove useless. The whitening agent present in the strip is vital to revamping the teeth. After brushing the teeth, ensure that you rinse the mouth with plenty of water. This helps open pores that should be accessible for the whitening agent to work properly.

Avoid patchy whitening

Whitening strips should be placed on your teeth with great precision. But, it is essential to not lose track of the fact that your teeth are hard to cover with crest teeth whitening strips fully. The teeth portions that are not properly covered will never be as white as the remaining areas. Thus, you need to make sure that you do not rush through the process. Ensure that you take your own time to sufficiently cover your teeth to create even whitening.

Use strips in moderation

The sensitive teeth whitening strips are safe to use. But, overdoing it will only lead to your teeth being sensitive. If the whitening strips are applied at a high frequency, they may lead to permanent damage. It is quite possible for the whitening strips to wear down the protective enamel layer owing to overexposure to the agent. This could even result in tooth loss.

Avoid contact with your gums

How do the teeth whitening strips work? Whitening strips contain a bleaching agent that is not as strong as the one utilized by your dentist but still, it has the ability to damage the soft tissue of your gums. It is essential that the strip doesn’t come into contact with your gums. You can cut the whitening strips using scissors to ensure that they serve as an aesthetic match with the teeth’ shape.

At times all it takes to show off your smile is whiter and brighter teeth. The experts at Pathways Dental Care can offer you the fastest and easiest teeth whitening treatment at a reasonable cost.

What to Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal

10 Foods to Eat After Having Wisdom Teeth Removed

Wisdom teeth removal cost might vary from one patient to another. Once you have the wisdom teeth removed, it is vital to make sure that you get proper nutrition. A good diet helps reduce complication risks, swelling, and offers nourishment and assists in wound healing development. The foods that you eat after your surgery must be easy to chew and soft. They must have lots of minerals, vitamins, protein and energy to help wound healing.

Wisdom Teeth Extractions

Blended soups

Pumpkin or tomato soups are ideal to eat following your removal of wisdom teeth procedure. They are easy to eat and do not have bits of food pieces that might aggravate the surgery area.


Just like soups, they are an ideal nourishment source after oral surgery. They are delicious and consist of a variety of minerals and vitamins as well. Furthermore, broths are a good way to make sure that you are hydrated if you find it hard to drink sufficient water. Bone broth is known for its health advantages. This nutritious stock is made by simmering animal connective tissue and bones.

Greek yogurt

It is a high-protein food that you can consume after your oral surgery. It has a creamy and smooth texture that might help numb and soothe your mouth. It is rich in vitamins, protein, and minerals like zinc and calcium.

Mashed potatoes

Potatoes can be prepared in several ways.  Particularly, mashed potatoes are an ideal food for anyone who opts for removing wisdom teeth.

Scrambled eggs

Eggs are the perfect foods to consume as they are rich in protein, minerals and vitamins. You need to ensure that you opt for omega-3-enriched or pasteurized varieties as they help in wound healing.


Consuming applesauce is one easy way to boost your intake of fruits while avoiding pain wisdom teeth and annoyance that is usually accompanied when you consume them in fruit form.

Mashed bananas

They are one amongst the most famous fruits. They are known for their soft texture which makes them easy to swallow after oral surgery. They are nutritious and offer a wide variety of minerals like vitamin B6, potassium, and manganese.

Banana ice cream

People suggest consuming ice cream when you happen to recover from this oral surgery. The coldness might have a calming effect on your wound, however, regular ice creams are high in fat and sugar. Banana ice cream is a delicious and healthy alternative.


Whilst most fruits have high amounts of carbs, this fruit has more fat and fewer carbs. Their creamy, smooth texture is what makes them ideal for consumption when you recover from a wisdom teeth removal surgery.


They are a great way to improve your nutrition when you are not able to eat solid meals. They are highly versatile and you can adjust your ingredients in the smoothies to meet your goals and suit your tastes.

The dentists at Pathways Dental Care are aware of the fact that wisdom tooth extractions are one amongst the most feared oral procedures. They use various relaxation techniques to help put you at ease throughout the procedure. They will let you know about the cost for removing wisdom teeth upfront.

7 Types of Cosmetic Dentistry

You have numerous choices when it comes to cosmetic oral work to help enhance your smile. Cosmetic dentistry is gaining more popularity these days and even some reality shows have shown how a dental expert can help transform someone’s teeth to offer the best version of the smile that they desire and deserve.

cosmetic dentistry ancaster

7 cosmetic dentistry procedures

There are 7 types of cosmetic dentistry procedures, however, not all of them will be suitable for everyone. You need to take the help of your dentist to determine the best method that works best for your situation.

Cosmetic teeth whitening

This procedure is also known as “teeth bleaching” and helps whiten and brighten the teeth from staining and discoloration. The procedure can either be done at home or in the dentist’s office. Not everybody’s teeth can be whitened and so it is essential to discuss with your dental expert first.

Dental veneers

Oral veneers are nothing but a shin shell created out of composite or porcelain material. They are custom-made and fixed on the tooth’s front side. An oral veneer can be utilized to heal oral conditions like discoloured teeth, chipped teeth, somewhat crooked teeth, or even help cover spaces between your teeth.

Oral implants

An oral implant is a device intended to substitute missing teeth. This device is typically made using titanium and is installed into your jawbone surgically. The implant is devised to operate as the root of the root and can secure artificial teeth like a bridge, crown or denture.

Dental crowns

Oral crowns, otherwise known as caps, are customized to fit on the tooth. The dental crowns are generally made using porcelain or acrylic which is fused to metal to endure biting pressure. Dental crowns can be utilized to treat teeth that are badly decayed, poorly shaped, chipped, broken or the ones that have had huge fillings.

Teeth shaping

This process is also known as “enamel shaping”. Your dentist can help reshape your tooth by removing or filing the enamel. The process is less painful and can offer instant effects.

Tooth bonding

This process involves the bonding of tooth-coloured materials to your tooth. The procedure is utilized to enhance or repair the look of your badly stained, chipped or broken tooth.

Orthodontic treatment

Some people believe that orthodontics is only for kids, which is not true. More adults are getting this treatment for cosmetic reasons. If you happen to have crooked or buck teeth, you can visit an orthodontist for help.

Pathways Dental Care provides a balanced approach to oral care, offering great attention to patient requirements and comfort while concentrating on the most recent technologies and techniques for optimum dental care.

Original Source: 7 Types of Cosmetic Dentistry

8 Advantages of Dental Implants

Even with the improvements in oral care, several people still suffer tooth loss to this day, mostly as a result of periodontal disease, tooth decay or injury. The only available treatment options for people who had missing teeth in the past were dentures and bridges. However, dental implants have to the foreground now.

Dental Implants in Ancaster

Anyone who is healthy enough to go through a regular oral surgery or dental extraction is considered to be a good candidate for this orthodontic treatment. The patient should have strong gums and sufficient bone to hold the dental implant.

Dental implants are tooth roots substitutes. They offer a strong base for fixed or removable replacement teeth made to go with natural teeth. The implants need the same nurture and care as your real teeth, including flossing, brushing, rinsing using an antibacterial mouthwash and frequent oral check-ups. The success rate of this treatment varies depending on the placement of the implant in the jaw, however, generally speaking, oral implants are 98 percent successful. With appropriate care, they can last for a lifetime.

Various advantages

Enhanced look

Oral implants seem and feel like natural teeth. Since they are created to fuse with your bone, they turn out to be permanent.

Enhanced speech

With weak-fitting dentures, your teeth might slip inside the mouth thereby causing you to slur or mumble the words. The implants let you speak without having to worry about this concern.

Enhanced comfort

Since the implants grow to be a part of you, they eradicate the discomfort of dentures.

Trouble-free eating

It is difficult to chew your food when you put on sliding dentures. Dental implants work just like your natural teeth and allow you to consume your favourite foods without any pain. 

Enhanced self-esteem

The implants can offer you the best smile that you have been dreaming about and make you feel good about yourself.

Enhanced dental health

Oral implants do not need filing down other teeth. Since the neighbouring teeth are not modified to support your new implant, more of the teeth remain intact thereby enhancing long-term dental health. Separate implants permit easier access between the teeth and this helps in enhancing oral hygiene.


Dental implants are durable and tend to last for several years. With high-quality care, several implants last even for a lifetime.


Oral implants get rid of the awkward trouble of taking off dentures and the requirement for messy adhesives to help them stay in place.

The team of experts at Pathways Dental Care is committed to ensuring that you receive the best dental care possible. Regardless of the type of oral treatment, you are looking for [routine cleaning, cosmetic procedures, and dental implants] you can get the best possible treatment for your needs.

Dark Gums – Can They Be Changed

What is the Cause of Dark Gums?

When you see a hoarding featuring a model with a wide smile on his face, you realize he has coral pink gums and teeth as white as pearls. Everybody would like to have a bright and attractive smile like that. That is the reason a lot of people tend to get a little conscious when they realize they have darker gums. Sometimes, people might also notice a blotched color pattern in their gums. So, what causes your gums to acquire a darker shade?

Dark Gums

Various factors contribute towards this condition and we shall discuss them in this article. Whenever you see any symptoms or indications about your gums getting dark, make sure you consult a dentist or a dentist in a dental center.


Not many are aware that just like our skin our gums comprise pigments. Different people have skin color of varying shades. That is also the case with gums too. As is the case with freckles, there is a possibility of speckles of melanin being present on your gums. Mostly, people who have a darker skin suffer from the risk of having a higher level of pigment in their gums. If genetics is the reason your gums are dark, then you shouldn’t really be worried about it. They can be healthy despite being dark. If you want them to look pink, you can opt for a clinical lightening procedure.

Lifestyle Choices

The color of one’s gums could get darker because of several external factors including our lifestyle choices. Sometimes, consuming a particular medicine over a period of time could play a role in darkening your gums. Smoking often proves to be a major contributor towards disfiguring your gums.

Can They Be Changed?

If you want to reverse the darkening process of your gums, you have to stop consuming any such food product or medication that makes them dark. You could also, after consulting with a dentist, opt for certain surgical procedures for the treatment of your gums. You will be treated by a gum specialist after they make your gums numb with the help of a local anesthetic.


Before deciding on a particular treatment, we here at Pathways Dental Care discuss the kind of treatment that would work the best for lightening your dark gums.

5 Best Tips to Recover from Wisdom Teeth Removal

There might be many reasons why your dentist recommended you to get your wisdom teeth removed. Some of the reasons for removing wisdom teeth are overcrowding, cavities, infections, and disease. After the surgery, it is quite common for you to experience some pain, swelling, or discomfort. You must know that recovering from a wisdom tooth removal procedure may take time. So you need to know how to care for your teeth and gums. 

Taking proper care of your teeth and gums could help to speed up the recovery period after surgery. If you are wondering about recovering from wisdom teeth removal, then do not worry as you are in the right place. This article will provide you with some of the best tips that can help you to recover from the wisdom teeth removal process quickly. You can follow the tips for wisdom teeth removal recovery to easily prevent the potential side effects of the procedure. 

What are the best tips to follow after wisdom teeth removal?

Some of the best tips that could you could follow after the wisdom teeth removal procedures are mentioned below:

  1. Stick to a diet that must consist of liquids right after your surgery.
  2. Take rest as much as possible with your head elevated by a pillow.
  3. The first time when you open your mouth after surgery, do it slowly and gently.
  4. After wisdom teeth removal surgery, rinse your mouth out with saltwater.
  5. You can control bleeding with gauze and tea bags.

These are some of the tips that you must follow after your wisdom teeth surgery to get a quick recovery. If you want to get more information, then get in touch with Pathways Dental

The Importance of Regular Teeth Cleanings

Teeth are an integral part of the body that give you a look that you desire. A smile is what enhances your look. You need to take care of your teeth to ensure that this smile remains the same forever.

Here are some details that will explain to you the importance of getting your teeth cleaned regularly.

A Brighter Smile

When you make it a habit to clean your teeth regularly by brushing and flossing, you will eventually ensure a bright smile every day. Your teeth will never lose their shine, and you can carry the same smile and confidence as usual.

Prevent Gum Disease

You need to prevent gum disease conditions to ensure that your dental health remains good for a long time. For that, you need to make sure that you clean your teeth regularly without missing a day. Cleaner teeth lead to disease-free gums, and you will lose no tooth in the long run.

Routine Cleaning Prevents Oral Cancer

Even though you regularly clean your teeth, you still need to get them cleaned by professional dentists in fixed intervals. Professionals use the adequate tools to ensure that routine cleaning is done perfectly to detect cancer-causing conditions (if any) at the early stage.

Teeth Discolouration Can Be Eradicated

Many different types of stains can discolour your teeth and hamper your dental health. Clean your teeth regularly at home and seek a professional dental clean-up at every regular interval to get rid of such stains.

These are a few of the details that explain the importance of regular teeth cleaning. Pathways Dental is a dental clinic that offers deep teeth cleaning on a routine basis at affordable pricing. So, if you want to maintain good health for your teeth, reach out to them today to learn more about their treatment and services.

5 Reasons to Choose Invisalign Over Metal Braces

With advancements made in the dental field, many people have started to understand the need to choose Invisalign treatment over traditional metal braces.

  1. You get to eat all your favorite food items:

By choosing Invisalign over traditional metal braces, you can eat your favorite foods items. You can munch both sticky and hard food substances, as no harm will happen to your teeth or gum areas.

  1. Close to invisible:

No one can see you wearing Invisalign braces unless they are standing close to you. This type of invisible feature helps you feel confident and helps you start conversations with your friends, family members, and anyone in your workplace.

  1. Not so bulky as traditional braces:

Traditional braces tend to stick out, irritate the gums, and make you feel uncomfortable all through the day. Invisalign braces fit snug perfectly on the teeth. This way you will comfortably smile and converse with others.

  1. Makes your teeth remain dirt-free:

Metal braces are well-known for collecting food particles after consuming a meal. This results in staining the teeth. Invisalign braces have an easy to remove option that lets you clean them regularly, thus eliminating the formation of hard stains.

  1. Easy to brush and floss:

As food particles get accumulated over the metal braces, brushing them out will be a drastic task. Invisalign braces can be removed at your convenience, allowing you to follow your regular brushing routine.

Pathways Dental Care has been providing remarkable dental services for more than twenty years. You can easily book your first consultation session with their team of dentists by filling up the service request form through their website.