Effects of Oral Piercing on Your Oral Health

Oral piercings seem to be a trend after youths and new-age professionals seem to be innovating their personalities, style, and overall look. Oral piercings are any piercings of the tongue, lips or cheek. However, any type of oral piercing can have adverse effects on your oral health and increase the risk of infection, damage to gums, nerve damage and bad breath. It is important to seek advice from your dentist before having any part of your mouth pierced.

To reduce the risk of oral infection after drilling procedures, it is recommended that you maintain a standard oral hygiene regime, which includes: twice a day brushing with fluoride toothpaste and a soft toothbrush, regular use of flossing or another interdental cleaner, and the use of alcohol-free mouth rinse during and after the healing period.

Dental patients with oral cavity or split tongue should be advised to keep their piercing clean, avoid playing with oral jewellery and monitor their oral cavity for signs of infection, including swelling, pain, tenderness or unusual discharge.

As the trend increases towards Oral piercings, the hazardous effects of it include:

  1. Common symptoms after oral piercings include pain, swelling, infection, increased flow of saliva and gum tissue injuries.
  1. Oral piercings can also lead to a recession in the gums.
  1. Oral piercings can interfere with food, language, and smooth mouth passage.
  1. Possible Nerve Damage: the nerves in the tongue can be damaged by an oral cavity that causes permanent numbness and loss of feeling.
  1. Oral and facial piercing can cause lasting or permanent side effects such as painful infections, nerve damage or scars.
  1. In addition to the pain and sensitivity of the mouth, oral piercings can lead to blood-borne diseases.

However, secondary infections after the oral piercings can be quite serious, especially those that relate to the language.

Precautions to take after an oral piercing:

  1. Keep your fingers and all foreign objects away from your mouth, because they have additional bacteria that can further increase the risk of infection on your mouth piercing site.
  1. Excessive speaking, trauma or playing with piercings can cause unsightly and uncomfortable scar tissue, migration, permanent damage to teeth, gums and other oral structures.
  1. Seek immediate medical or dental attention if you experience excessive bleeding, swelling or pain after a puncture, or if there is evidence of infection like smell or fluid from piercing.

Subsequent research has also found an association between oral piercings and increased periodontal inflammation, gum bleeding and infection.

Maintain good oral health by brushing twice a day (including the tongue area around piercing) and visit your dentist twice a year for professional oral check-ups.

At Pathways Dental Care, we provide comprehensive dental services under one roof in a comfortable and relaxing environment.

Book your free consultation today. Visit www.pathwaysdental.com or call us at 905-304-4505 for more information.

Published by Pathways Dental Care

Pathways Dental Care, we know that when it comes to dental care, our patients rely upon us for convenience and comfort. That’s why our offices are centrally located and easily accessible with plenty of free parking. We always put patient needs first. We understand the importance of making you feel welcomed and relaxed, whether you’re a child coming for your first visit or a senior returning for denture care.

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