Dark Gums – Can They Be Changed

What is the Cause of Dark Gums?

When you see a hoarding featuring a model with a wide smile on his face, you realize he has coral pink gums and teeth as white as pearls. Everybody would like to have a bright and attractive smile like that. That is the reason a lot of people tend to get a little conscious when they realize they have darker gums. Sometimes, people might also notice a blotched color pattern in their gums. So, what causes your gums to acquire a darker shade?

Dark Gums

Various factors contribute towards this condition and we shall discuss them in this article. Whenever you see any symptoms or indications about your gums getting dark, make sure you consult a dentist or a dentist in a dental center.


Not many are aware that just like our skin our gums comprise pigments. Different people have skin color of varying shades. That is also the case with gums too. As is the case with freckles, there is a possibility of speckles of melanin being present on your gums. Mostly, people who have a darker skin suffer from the risk of having a higher level of pigment in their gums. If genetics is the reason your gums are dark, then you shouldn’t really be worried about it. They can be healthy despite being dark. If you want them to look pink, you can opt for a clinical lightening procedure.

Lifestyle Choices

The color of one’s gums could get darker because of several external factors including our lifestyle choices. Sometimes, consuming a particular medicine over a period of time could play a role in darkening your gums. Smoking often proves to be a major contributor towards disfiguring your gums.

Can They Be Changed?

If you want to reverse the darkening process of your gums, you have to stop consuming any such food product or medication that makes them dark. You could also, after consulting with a dentist, opt for certain surgical procedures for the treatment of your gums. You will be treated by a gum specialist after they make your gums numb with the help of a local anesthetic.


Before deciding on a particular treatment, we here at Pathways Dental Care discuss the kind of treatment that would work the best for lightening your dark gums.

Published by Pathways Dental Care

Pathways Dental Care, we know that when it comes to dental care, our patients rely upon us for convenience and comfort. That’s why our offices are centrally located and easily accessible with plenty of free parking. We always put patient needs first. We understand the importance of making you feel welcomed and relaxed, whether you’re a child coming for your first visit or a senior returning for denture care.

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