What to Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal

10 Foods to Eat After Having Wisdom Teeth Removed

Wisdom teeth removal cost might vary from one patient to another. Once you have the wisdom teeth removed, it is vital to make sure that you get proper nutrition. A good diet helps reduce complication risks, swelling, and offers nourishment and assists in wound healing development. The foods that you eat after your surgery must be easy to chew and soft. They must have lots of minerals, vitamins, protein and energy to help wound healing.

Wisdom Teeth Extractions

Blended soups

Pumpkin or tomato soups are ideal to eat following your removal of wisdom teeth procedure. They are easy to eat and do not have bits of food pieces that might aggravate the surgery area.


Just like soups, they are an ideal nourishment source after oral surgery. They are delicious and consist of a variety of minerals and vitamins as well. Furthermore, broths are a good way to make sure that you are hydrated if you find it hard to drink sufficient water. Bone broth is known for its health advantages. This nutritious stock is made by simmering animal connective tissue and bones.

Greek yogurt

It is a high-protein food that you can consume after your oral surgery. It has a creamy and smooth texture that might help numb and soothe your mouth. It is rich in vitamins, protein, and minerals like zinc and calcium.

Mashed potatoes

Potatoes can be prepared in several ways.  Particularly, mashed potatoes are an ideal food for anyone who opts for removing wisdom teeth.

Scrambled eggs

Eggs are the perfect foods to consume as they are rich in protein, minerals and vitamins. You need to ensure that you opt for omega-3-enriched or pasteurized varieties as they help in wound healing.


Consuming applesauce is one easy way to boost your intake of fruits while avoiding pain wisdom teeth and annoyance that is usually accompanied when you consume them in fruit form.

Mashed bananas

They are one amongst the most famous fruits. They are known for their soft texture which makes them easy to swallow after oral surgery. They are nutritious and offer a wide variety of minerals like vitamin B6, potassium, and manganese.

Banana ice cream

People suggest consuming ice cream when you happen to recover from this oral surgery. The coldness might have a calming effect on your wound, however, regular ice creams are high in fat and sugar. Banana ice cream is a delicious and healthy alternative.


Whilst most fruits have high amounts of carbs, this fruit has more fat and fewer carbs. Their creamy, smooth texture is what makes them ideal for consumption when you recover from a wisdom teeth removal surgery.


They are a great way to improve your nutrition when you are not able to eat solid meals. They are highly versatile and you can adjust your ingredients in the smoothies to meet your goals and suit your tastes.

The dentists at Pathways Dental Care are aware of the fact that wisdom tooth extractions are one amongst the most feared oral procedures. They use various relaxation techniques to help put you at ease throughout the procedure. They will let you know about the cost for removing wisdom teeth upfront.

Published by Pathways Dental Care

Pathways Dental Care, we know that when it comes to dental care, our patients rely upon us for convenience and comfort. That’s why our offices are centrally located and easily accessible with plenty of free parking. We always put patient needs first. We understand the importance of making you feel welcomed and relaxed, whether you’re a child coming for your first visit or a senior returning for denture care.

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