How To Look After Your Teeth After Orthodontics

Orthodontists in Ancaster say that a strict oral regime is important for bright, shining, and healthy teeth that will make you flaunt your smile without any inhibitions. Taking care of your teeth is not optional. It has to be followed religiously and its importance increases after the orthodontic treatment.

What is orthodontic treatment?

Orthodontic treatment deals in the diagnosis and correction of misaligned or mispositioned jaws, teeth and misaligned bite patterns. Orthodontists in Ancaster will use braces depending upon the extent of the alignment required and you will have to take care of your braces and teeth post treatment.

How to look after your teeth after orthodontics?

Brushing regularly is the first step towards healthy oral care and its necessity increases once you put on braces. Negligence in self-care can result in the accumulation of plaque on teeth and result in troublesome situations. To avoid any such problems, go through the following tips for taking care of your braces:

  • Clean your teeth after every meal
  • Make sure that you clean every nook and corner of your mouth
  • If you have fixed braces, each bracket should be cleaned individually
  • In case of removable braces, take out the aligner trays carefully so that teeth can be brushed and flossed easily
  • Floss once a day
  • Avoid eating sugary food
  • Anything that is hard to chew and sticks to your teeth should be avoided
  • Fluoride mouthwash should be used
  • The toothbrush recommended by your orthodontist should be used

If you have been taking care of your braces and teeth, and still you feel that the sharp ends of the braces are troubling you or a part of your braces has suddenly broken, call 9053044505 at Pathways Dental Care and get the issue resolved immediately.

How To Promote Good Dental Hygiene Habits In Kids

Children learn by example and thus visiting a paediatric dentist in Ancaster sets a good example children can look up to. Kids have the most beautiful and innocent smiles, so why not keep that charm and smile with them forever by teaching them good dental hygiene habits which shall go a long way.

Dentist in Ancaster say that even when a child is being breastfed, cleaning the gums with a soft cotton cloth is a must to ensure that chances of decay are minimized. Apart from that, the following tips have been underlined by paediatric dentists in Ancaster which parents can follow to teach good dental hygiene habits to their children:

  1. Make brushing fun: When your child reaches the age of brushing, make sure you brush with your child so that he/she learns the right technique from you and at the same time sing a song which develops interest.
  2. Explain with examples: You should tell your child the importance of brushing by giving examples from different stories so that your child develops an instant connection and doesn’t run away from brushing.
  3. Use appealing toothbrushes: For making a child fall in love with brushing, you have to entice them with attractive toothbrushes and toothpastes.
  4. No bottle while sleeping: This habit has to be stopped with immediate effect because it can result in cavities, tooth decay and discoloration.
  5. Eat well: Make sure your child eats nuts, fruits, vegetables, chicken and lentils which are high in nutritional value and have less sugar content.
  6. Give rewards: Encourage your child to develop good habits by giving him/her a small token of recognition the day you see him/her brushing nicely or following the routine religiously.

Visit Pathways Dental Care for the best treatment for your child’s dental health.

15 Reasons to See a Dentist in 2020

Oral health is extremely important to maintain overall wellbeing. Around 2.26 million school-days and 4.15 million working days are spent annually in dental visits or dental sick-days as per Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS). To keep a guarded eye on even the slightest onset of any dental or gum disease, a regular and consistent schedule of dentist visits should be followed.


Following are some signs that indicate you need to see a dentist:

1. If your teeth are already sensitive and lately you are experiencing an increase in that sensitivity. Which may include sharp pain or sensation especially when having something hot or cold.

2. Your gums are seemingly tender, swollen, reddened and irritated.

3. If you are witnessing any sort of bleeding in your mouth while brushing or flossing.

4. You can notice a bad smell or taste in your mouth.

5. If you don’t feel satisfied by the general look of your teeth and notice some irregularities you want to improve.

6. If there’s a toothache that is not going away

7. If you are having trouble while eating and swallowing food or water.

8. If you smoke or drink regularly.

9. You have a sensitive jaw muscle or soreness of the temporomandibular joint along with inflammation.

10. If your mouth feels constantly dry then it might be Xerostomia which needs dental care.

11. If you have had any dental procedure in the past, for instance a filling, crown, bonding, or even a cosmetic procedure.

12. If you have any ongoing health conditions for which you are on medication such as heart disease, diabetes, eating disorders, migraines, etc.

13. If you are pregnant. Studies have shown that pregnant women are more susceptible to periodontal disease due to hormonal changes and an increase in blood flow.

14. If you have any spots or sores in your mouth that have not healed on their own and lasted longer than a week.

15. If you have never visited a dentist previously or it has been more than 6 months since your last dental visit.

Even if you don’t have any prevalent symptoms of oral problems, consistent dental check-ups are important for better upkeep of oral health and to ensure the prevention of various dental problems.

At Pathways Dental Care in Ancaster, we are committed to providing the most progressive and technologically advanced, minimally invasive dental services for you and your family in a modern, warm and inviting atmosphere.

For more information visit

The Benefits of Having Whiter Teeth

Teeth whitening is an essential part of a well-groomed appearance. We are living in a time when photographs especially selfies are floating all around and account for a major chunk of trends. So if you have good photographs displaying amazing teeth, then it can only act in your favour. Teeth whitening is not a complicated process. It is easy to achieve, a safe option that can have a long-lasting positive effect on your appearance as well as psychological health.


Below are the top five benefits of having white teeth: 

  1. Enhances your personality 

Having straight healthy teeth is considered a real asset in life. High caffeine intake in the form of drinks like coffee, tea, even aerated water, carbonated drinks and soda, along with real bad habits like chewing tobacco and smoking can cause your teeth enamel to decompose over time. Hence the need to have whiter teeth. Your doctor will also explain how this procedure will add to the strength and beauty of your teeth.

  1. Decreases the focus on wrinkles

Once you have white teeth, the natural focal point of your face as well as the highlight will be your beautiful smile. This will completely take away the attention from your wrinkles as anyone who will be meeting you will be in awe of your white teeth.

  1. It doesn’t cost much

Teeth whitening is cost-effective. It is not as high-priced as a plastic surgery treatment. This will be easy on your pocket so you need not worry about your finances.

  1. Makes you more attractive

Once you undergo the process of teeth whitening, it will boost your morale and self-esteem. You will feel your confidence building up and you will never shy away from the camera again. It will make you naturally attractive as you will tend to smile more and often. Many studies have also proven that white teeth indicate the fact that you take care of yourself.

  1. Reverse the bad effects

If you have indulged in any bad habits like smoking or chewing tobacco, then it would have left a lasting impact on your teeth in the form of corroded enamel. Teeth whitening can reverse the bad effects with ease and help you get shiny white teeth as if the damage never occurred.

If you are looking for the best teeth whitening in Ancaster, then visit Pathways Dental Care.

We provide professional and at home teeth whitening options that can effectively eliminate staining and restore your smile.

For more information or to book a free smile analysis visit

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Dental Veneers

Veneers are made up of highly resilient porcelain or amalgamated resin “shells” that are attached to the natural tooth’s surface. These are primarily used to augment the overall aesthetics of your smile so that you can smile without any insecurity. .


Like anything else, dental veneers also come with their share of advantages and disadvantages. One should seek all the knowledge and information about cost, practicality, need, and procedure beforehand. This will help you understand the long term effect and then you decide if you want to go for it or not.

Pros of Veneers:

  1. It improves your smile.
  2. Veneers remove gaps between teeth and fill empty spaces.
  3. A one-stop solution for many problems of defective teeth; improves the appearance of unsymmetrical, misaligned, dented, worn-out teeth.
  4. Veneers bring about a certain uniformity in the appearance of teeth and improve color, shape and evenness.
  5. It safeguards the tooth surface from any external damage.

Cons of Veneers:

  1. If you choose to remove or replace them at a later stage, it may damage tooth enamel.
  2. If you compromise by not choosing an experienced practitioner, it may damage your teeth permanently.
  3. If the procedure has not been performed correctly or by an inexperienced person, one can face sensitivity issues.
  4. There can be some rare unavoidable circumstances where it becomes essential to scratch 3-30% of teeth away to fit veneers.

Dental veneers in Ancaster are the perfect solution to effectively hide skewed, tainted, and dented teeth. However, it is always advised that one makes an informed decision in consultation with a dentist while opting for veneers.

Make an appointment with Pathways Dental Care to know if dental veneers are an appropriate solution for you.

Main Reasons to Choose Cosmetic Dentistry

Your smile is the gateway to your personality. Any lasting first impression begins with the onset of a smile. There are occasions when you might not feel content with your smile and would want to find a way to improve it for your satisfaction. If so, cosmetic dentistry is the way.


Cosmetic dentistry has become one of the most vital and dynamic areas of the dental profession. With technological advancement and ease of availability, choosing cosmetic dentistry is not very expensive these days. It is not very painful either. Cosmetic dentists are thoroughly skilled to ensure pain-free dental services in a calming and peaceful environment.

Below are a few reasons out of many to choose cosmetic dentistry:

1)  The changes after the successful completion of cosmetic dentistry are great. Professional teeth whitening, one of the most popular options of cosmetic dentistry removes stains on your teeth and makes them look white again.

2)  There is an array of issues that can be tackled with its help. Whether you have warped, chipped, broken or missing teeth; it can all be taken care of. Cosmetic dentistry can help you look younger than your age. You don’t have to long to look beautiful, you already are; these procedures will help you in bringing that out to the surface.

3)  Dental implants are also very popular to help you restore your missing teeth. The problems that you face in chewing or eating will be a thing of the past. The procedure is made as painless as it can be. You can talk to your dentist to know if you are a fit candidate for dental implants.

4)  The gaps between your teeth can be treated with two popular cosmetic dentistry procedures: bonding and veneersThis will helpclose gaps in your teeth. The effect of veneers lasts a lifetime and it can make your teeth look straight, attractive and bright. Bonding is a cost-effective alternative to veneers but its effect lasts for a finite period of five to eight years.

5)  If your teeth are crooked and misaligned, then Orthodonticsis the procedure that is most suitable for you and will help you achieve a desirable alignment of your teeth. Invisalign is the most prevalent form of orthodontic treatment which has proven to be very successful. This procedure can help you to attain a straighter smile in an undetectable way.

If you are looking for an experienced cosmetic dentist in Ancaster, then visit Pathways Dental Care.

We provide comprehensive cosmetic dental services under one roof including professional teeth whitening, Veneer, Invisalign, Dental Implants, crowns, bridges, and many more to help you achieve your desired smile.

For more information and to book a free smile analysis visit

Reasons to Choose Dental Implants Over Dentures

Dental implants and dentures are the two different types of teeth replacement procedures that are widely practiced by dentists to fix missing teeth in an individual. Dental implants have many different customizable options that can help you recover and smile confidently in front of others. If your dentist has suggested you undergo a tooth replacement procedure, then keep reading to understand the practical reasons to choose dental implants over the dentures process.


Dental implants can improve your overall oral health:

Dental implants can help maintain the bone structure intact and help to avoid any discomfort happening around your mouth during and after the treatment.

Dentures can cause many different oral blisters and sores on any part of your mouth. Other than facing discomfort, the sore spots can turn out to be a severe condition if you have high blood sugar and pressure levels.

Dental implants do look natural:

Dental implants not only function as a naturally grown set of teeth but also look like one. You can confidently eat and smile with no one seeing the implanted teeth in the first place.

Dentures are highly noticeable and shall never look close to naturally grown teeth areas.

Dental implants do last for a lifetime:

By rightly following up on oral hygiene practices provided by the dentist, you can keep the jawbone, teeth and gum areas healthy for a lifetime after getting your teeth implanted.

Dentures can easily accommodate dirt, and cleaning them shall always be to be a difficult process. Even after brushing and flossing twice a day, plaque and gum diseases might pop-up on any part of your teeth areas.

Your search for renowned family dentists providing reliable dental implants in Ancaster shall end up with Pathways Dental Care. With more than twenty years of experience, you are about to get rightly treated under their proficient team of dentists.

Effects of Smoking on Your Teeth and Oral Health

Though they are not talked about as frequently as other potential issues, the consequences of smoking on your oral health and teeth are grave. Everybody is aware of the fact that smoking is bad for your overall health, but they are not aware of the effects it has on their oral health.


A good smile is vital for the majority of adults. It is the first thing others notice when you get introduced to them and you probably don’t want a smile that is discoloured or dull. The major issue is that habitual brushing is just half the resolution; it does not eradicate your stains or lessen halitosis on its own. You require more regular dental cleanings and these visits might promote a conversation that paves the path to giving up smoking.

Effects on your teeth

Smoking and usage of tobacco are said to cause bad breath, stained teeth and reduced taste. Eventually, smoking might hinder your immune system, creating more side effects that comprise a diminished ability to recuperate post-surgery. Due to this reason, smoking is one of the major risk factors linked with periodontal disease that sets off inflammation around your teeth. This disease can move into your bone and other aiding structures, and its complex stages can even result in the loss of your tooth.

Effects on your oral health

Tobacco use can increase oral cancer risk, which is hostile because of the large number of lymph nodes and blood vessels in your neck and head.

Smoking affects your teeth leading to tooth decay, and poses a great challenge when repairing your smile. Since tobacco instigates tooth discoloration, the results of whitening treatments are not always satisfactory. Additionally, gum recession can lead to uneven margins on your crowns as well as other restorations.

Pathways Dental Care has been offering comprehensive dental services in Ancaster for more than 20 years. Their balanced approach towards dental care, great attention to patient comfort and use of the most modern technological advancements will help you get rid of teeth stains caused due to smoking.

Why Good Oral Health is Important for Expectant Mothers

Imagine the extra work your teeth and jaw do during pregnancy because your cravings are at their highest levels, and there are numerous hormonal changes that are difficult to understand. Taking care of your teeth is important during this time because of the following reasons:

  1. Periodontal (gum) disease and pregnancy: Chances of periodontal disease increase during pregnancy, which can result in low birth weight or preterm delivery. If gingivitis doesn’t get treated, it can result in gums getting infected and might lead to tooth extraction at a later stage.
  2. Dental cavities and pregnancy: Chances of developing dental cavities get enhanced during pregnancy because of changes in eating habits and behavior. If the mother has cavity-causing bacteria in her mouth, the same can get passed on to the child during and after pregnancy and adversely affect the oral health of the child.

Tips for dental care during pregnancy

  • Tell your dentist about your pregnancy. You can continue with regular checkups. However, any major dental treatment should be avoided until delivery.
  • If you have morning sickness, brush with a bland toothpaste and rinse your mouth with water.
  • Eat a balanced diet, and avoid extra-sugary snacks. This is recommended because the more you snack, the higher the chances of developing tooth decay.

At Pathways Dental Care, pregnant women are treated with care so that any dental problems don’t pose a threat to you and your child. To learn about our dental services in Ancaster and to book a free consultation with our dentists, visit

How to Recover from Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom teeth are very ironic to their name, because instead of bringing wisdom at the time of the eruption, they brings lots of pain and discomfort which makes it imperative to get them removed.

What are wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth or the back molars are the set of teeth that are the last to erupt in your mouth. Generally, this eruption happens between the ages of 17-25 and their removal is one of the most common dental surgeries.

Why is wisdom teeth removal recommended?

When your jaws don’t have sufficient space to accommodate the newly erupted wisdom teeth, it results in a problem. In the limited area, when anything new erupts, it is bound to cause uneasiness and discomfort; to get it removed is the safest option.

How much time does the wisdom tooth recovery take?

On average, it takes around 2 weeks to recover after wisdom teeth removal. This may vary from case to case and is determined by the intensity of the problem.

The recovery process can be divided into the following phases:

  • Blood clots are formed during the first 24 hours, and the patient experiences swelling.
  • Within the next 2-3 days, the swelling in the mouth and cheeks gets improved.
  • On the 7th day, the dentist shall remove the stitches.
  • By the 10th day, any stiffness or soreness goes away.
  • By the end of the 2nd week, you should be able to resume your regular activities.

You must:

  • Avoid drinking and smoking.
  • Don’t engage in strenuous activity.
  • Eat soft food or have more fluids.
  • Gently rinse with an antiseptic mouthwash.
  • Follow the medication religiously.

Let wisdom tooth removal be an easy process by getting an appointment with the dentists at Pathways Dental Care.