Why Good Oral Health is Important for Expectant Mothers

Maintaining good oral health is important for everyone. However, during pregnancy, expectant mothers are recommended to take extra care of their oral health as various hormonal changes during pregnancy can increase the risk of developing cavities, tooth decay, and periodontal disease, which in turn, can affect the health of their unborn baby. Read this blog post to learn in detail about the importance of good oral health for expectant mothers.

Importance of Regular Dental Cleanings

Although brushing and flossing is an important part of your oral care routine, you need to visit your dentist every six months for professional teeth cleaning to effectively remove plaque buildup and tartar. Read this blog post to learn in detail about the importance of regular dental cleanings.

Reasons to Choose Invisalign over Metal Braces

If you have misaligned, crooked or crowded teeth, then with orthodontics you can achieve a beautiful straight smile. However, when it comes to teeth straightening, you have two popular options to choose from: Invisalign & metal braces. Read this blog post to discover the reasons to choose Invisalign over metal braces. For more information and to book an appointment with an orthodontist in Ancaster, visit http://www.pathwaysdental.com.

How Eating Habits Affect Your Oral Health?

The foods you eat can directly affect the overall health of your teeth and gums. A healthy and balanced diet can help you avoid many chronic oral health conditions whereas intake of carbonated beverages, non-nutritious snacks, sugar-filled foods, and drinks can increase the chances of tooth decay and gum disease. Read this blog post to learn about the effects of eating habits on your oral health.

Frequently Asked Questions about Dental Veneers

Dental veneers or porcelain veneers are custom made skins and shells which cover the surface of a tooth to improve its aesthetic. Veneers can straighten the appearance of crooked teeth, repair chipped teeth, and cover teeth that are badly discolored or disguise misshapen teeth. Read this blog post to find out about some frequently asked questions about dental veneers. For more information and to book a free smile analysis in Ancaster visit http://www.pathwaysdental.com.

Why you should see your dentist twice a year

It is important to visit your dentist twice a year to maintain your oral health and prevent dental diseases that can affect your smile and pearly whites. Read this blog post to understand the importance of regular dental visits. For further information and to book a free consultation in Ancaster visit http://www.pathwaysdental.com.

13 Signs You Need to See a Dentist in 2018

Visiting a dentist twice a year is important for your oral as well as overall health. Sometimes two dental visits is not enough. Read this blog to discover 13 warning signs that you need to schedule a visit to a dental clinic in 2018.

Everything You Need to Know About Tooth Sensitivity

Do you have sensitive teeth? If you do, then you are not alone. Almost 50% of the world’s population suffers from tooth sensitivity. Tooth sensitivity is also known as dentin hypersensitivity. Whenever you experience a sharp temporary pain or sensation while drinking or eating anything hot or cold, chances are you have sensitive teeth. TheContinue reading “Everything You Need to Know About Tooth Sensitivity”